Saturday, September 29, 2012

First Post - Welcome

Hello world. Welcome to my first blog post on this Fibrinogen Amyloidosis blog. I'm writing this blog for two main reasons. The first reason is to chronicle my family's journey with fibrinogen amyloidosis. The second reason, which was what really prompted me to seriously consider starting this blog almost about a year ago, is to serve as a centralized point for keeping links to all the articles on fibrinogen amyloidosis as I come across them, which will make it easier for others to get that information. Other reasons do come to mind now, and I'm sure more will evolve over time, but I've put this off long enough so it's time to just do it. But first . . .

I'm writing these first blog entries in September of 2012, which is over two years after our journey began. So until I catch up, the posts will all be written in hindsight, and I'll be going off memory and old emails to put the story together. Some details and events will certainly be missed as a result, but there shouldn't be any major gaps. I plan on putting a date in the title of each post so the reader will know when it occurred. Eventually I'll catch up and that won't be necessary. Until then, of course, you're reading ancient history.

My name is David Jennings, and most of you reading this blog in 2012 probably know me in one way or another anyway, so there's no point in keeping my name a secret. As far as other people are concerned, I plan on just using first names and/or initials when referring to others in this blog, unless someone specifically requests something else.

So here we go . . .

1 comment:

  1. If you're reading this blog for the first time, welcome! You can go through the postings in order by clicking on "Newer Post" near the bottom of each page (below the comments). You can also navigate to the post on a specific date by going through the blog archive near the top right of each page.

    If you want to receive new posts as they are published, saving you the trouble of periodically checking the blog for updates, enter your email address in the box below "Follow By Email" near the top right, above the blog archive.
