Here is what happened with the blog in 2020:
- 2 new blog posts were written. (Down from 3 in 2019)
- No new articles were reviewed.
- 2 additional countries visited the blog, bringing the total to 161.
In patient news, I became aware of two more families affected by fibrinogen amyloidosis in 2020, and I know of one combined liver and kidney transplant that occurred in the US. As for me, I am still asymptomatic. My creatinine was just barely above the normal range in July of 2020 but then back in the normal range again when it was checked in January of 2021. There is still no indication of protein in the urine and my eGFR is fine, so for now I'll consider the high creatinine reading to be an anomaly.
Hopefully I can catch up on some article reviews this year. (It seems like I've said that before). There have been a few articles published in the past couple of years specifically about fibrinogen amyloidosis, although at a glance they do not seem to have any significant developments with regard to treatment.
One of the benefits of fewer blog posts is that it reduces the number of spam comments, as the blog only received two this year. Neither one was particularly entertaining like some previous spam comments have been, but one got my attention when I was reviewing them for this blog post. Here is the comment (edited for typos), minus the hyperlink which is the usual tipoff that a comment is spam: "You have done a great job. I hope you will do much better in the future." Me too, spammer. Me too.
=====Consolidated blog stats for second half of 2020=====
As of December 31, 2020:
Total posts: 190
Total pageviews: 191K (significantly impacted by heavy daily traffic from Hong Kong until December)
Email subscribers: 15 (unchanged)
Total number of countries that have viewed the blog: 161
No new countries viewed the blog in the second half of 2020.
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